High-Resolution, High-Quality 

Environmentally Extended Input-Output (EEIO) Models

Welcome to EEIOmodel.com

Welcome to eeiomodel.com, a platform created to:

Despite the growing application and popularity of EEIO models, high-resolution and high-quality national EEIO models are still not widely available, with perhaps a few exceptions. In some cases, such models have been developed by scholars for their own research but were not made publicly available; in others, such models have yet to be developed. 

There are some global multi-regional input-output (MRIO) models that do cover many countries or regions. These are excellent models that can offer big-picture and global views, but they may be a bit rough at the national level as compared with a model developed specifically for the nation of interest. There is a tradeoff between geographical scope and resolution. For a model that seeks to cover a large ground, it is likely fuzzier when zoomed in, hence the need for ad hoc national models.

Creator of this platform

This platform has been created by Dr Yi Yang, currently a scholar in the field of sustainability. Dr Yang received his Master's degree from University of Minnesota and PhD degree from University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr Yang has ~15 years of research experience in EEIO modeling and life-cycle assessment (LCA). Among others, he co-developed one of the most widely used EEIO models, USEEIO (or US-EEIO), which is part of the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) program run by the USEPA. USEEIO has been used by leading corporations like Amazon and GM and Merck, government agencies like the US Department of Energy, national research labs like the NREL, and scholars in leading universities around the world including Yale and Princeton and MIT and Northwestern

Models developed 

Models developed by Dr Yang are as follows. Click on the links for details on each model (e.g., sector resolution, year, data sources): 

How are the models developed?

They have been developed using a generic approach that can be summarized as mapping GHG emissions data from different sources (e.g.,  national GHG inventory) to sectors in the Input-Output tables (see the references below for details on the approach). 

Yang, Y. and Suh, S., 2011. Environmental impacts of products in China. Environmental science & technology, 45(9), pp.4102-4109.

Yang, Y., Ingwersen, W.W., Hawkins, T.R., Srocka, M. and Meyer, D.E., 2017. USEEIO: A new and transparent United States environmentally-extended input-output model. Journal of cleaner production, 158, pp.308-318.

Yang, Y., Park, Y., Smith, T.M., Kim, T. and Park, H.S., 2022. High-Resolution Environmentally Extended Input–Output Model to Assess the Greenhouse Gas Impact of Electronics in South Korea. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(4), pp.2107-2114.

Access & Terms of Use

All models are available for use, commercially or academically, and more models are being developed (e.g., India, Israel, Brazil, Indonesia). Please contact Dr. Yi Yang for more information at TASA analytics