Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model of Japan (JPEEIO)


JPEEIO (v1.0)

  • focuses on GHG emissions, with results expressed in MT CO2e per million US dollar

  • reflects the economic and environmental conditions of year 2015

  • covers 385 sectors (among the highest sectoral resolutions)

Sector Resolution

Click here to see whether the sectors or products of your interest are covered in JPEEIO (v1.0).

Data sources

Three main data sources were used to develop JPEEIO:

  • an Input-Output table, provided by the Official Statistics of Japan government

  • a GHG inventory, compiled by Japan's National Institute for Environmental Studies

  • an energy balance table, provided by Japan's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.

Note on citation

JPEEIO was developed by a standard approach as used, e.g., in the studies below, to which you may refer:

Yang, Y. and Suh, S., 2011. Environmental impacts of products in China. Environmental science & technology, 45(9), pp.4102-4109.

Yang, Y., Ingwersen, W.W., Hawkins, T.R., Srocka, M. and Meyer, D.E., 2017. USEEIO: A new and transparent United States environmentally-extended input-output model. Journal of cleaner production, 158, pp.308-318.

Yang, Y., Park, Y., Smith, T.M., Kim, T. and Park, H.S., 2022. High-Resolution Environmentally Extended Input–Output Model to Assess the Greenhouse Gas Impact of Electronics in South Korea. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(4), pp.2107-2114.